Tag:Tax Incentives

The Sun Also Rises: Congress Votes to Stimulate the Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Carbon Capture, and Storage Industries
Webinar: Energy Storage project development: An Overview of key policy, finance & development issues with K&L Gates
Renewable Energy Tax Incentives At Risk in Lame Duck
Senate Action Halted on Tax Legislation

The Sun Also Rises: Congress Votes to Stimulate the Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Carbon Capture, and Storage Industries

By: Elizabeth C. CrouseMary Burke BakerLaurie B. PurpuroElias B. Hinckley, and David P. Hattery

On 21 December 2020, the shortest day of the year in North America, the U.S. Congress passed a historic stimulus package. Among its more than 5000 pages, the bill includes important, if not quite historic, clean energy-related provisions ranging from new and extended tax incentives to government programs for research and development. Assuming the legislation becomes law, a new day for U.S. carbon capture, offshore wind, and many more renewable energy technologies may dawn.

Webinar: Energy Storage project development: An Overview of key policy, finance & development issues with K&L Gates

Join Energy Toolbase and K&L Gates for a webinar on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 2:00pm EDT.

Webinar topics will include:

1) Key BTM energy storage policy issues (update on the current ITC legislation for energy storage, federal tax & depreciation, utility revenue streams/aggregation, FERC 841)

2) Development issues affecting BTM energy storage projects (EPC agreements, interconnection, insurance, common development hurdles)

3) Financing & monetizing energy storage projects (capacity service agreements, operating leases, PPA’s, shared savings, project financing risks)

4) How to configure & model different storage incentives in Energy Toolbase

5) How to configure & model different storage financing transactions in Energy Toolbase

K&L Gates attorneys Buck Endemann, Elizabeth Crouse, and Jim Wrathall will be participating in this webinar, along with with Energy Toolbase COO, Adam Gerza.

To register, please click here.

Senate Action Halted on Tax Legislation

Senate consideration of legislation to reinstate 55 expired incentives ground to a halt on May 15. The Senate fell 7 votes short of ending a Republican filibuster. While many Republicans support the underlying package, they are opposed to efforts by Senate Majority Leader Reid to limit amendments.

The bill includes a dozen energy-related measures such as the renewable electricity production tax credit and biofuels credits.

Negotiations between key Democrats and Republicans will resume the week of May 19 in hopes of reaching an agreement to end the filibuster and allow the tax package to come up for votes. If the two sides remain at a standoff, the bill may not come up for a vote until after the November election.


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