Tag:Foreign Investment

Department of Commerce’s BE-13 Mandatory Survey of New Foreign Direct Investment in the United States
World Bank Publishes New Findings on Doing Business in Africa
Doing Business in India Webinar – May 21

Department of Commerce’s BE-13 Mandatory Survey of New Foreign Direct Investment in the United States

New Requirement to Report Foreign Direct investment in the U.S.

The Bureau of Economic Analysis of the U.S. Department of Commerce announced in September 2014 that it was reinstating a mandatory requirement that U.S. companies report new foreign investment through the filing of one of a family of survey forms designated as BE-13. BE-13 forms are filed electronically here.

Authority for the Survey

The authority for the survey is based on the International Investment and Trade in Services Survey Act, 90 Stat. 2059, 22 U.S.C. § 3101. The Act grants broad authority to the President “to collect information on international investment and United States foreign trade in services, whether directly or by affiliates, including related information necessary for assessing the impact of such investment and trade, to authorize the collection and use of information on direct investments owned or controlled directly or indirectly by foreign governments or persons, and to provide analyses of such information to the Congress, the executive agencies, and the general public.” 22 U.S.C. § 3101(b).

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World Bank Publishes New Findings on Doing Business in Africa

President Obama’s Power Africa Plan, ongoing energy procurements and other developments have made Africa an increasingly attractive market for developers of energy projects.  For energy companies that are doing business in Africa or are considering developing a project in an African country, the latest K&L Gates Africa Legal Insight offers a review of the World Bank’s new findings on the subject. Read More

Doing Business in India Webinar – May 21

Is your company planning on or already doing business in India? If so, you need to familiarize yourself with the latest business, political, and regulatory issues affecting your business and your employees when entering this promising but challenging and diverse market.  In this complimentary webinar, a panel of K&L Gates partners with vast experience working with companies who are doing business in India, will address a range of legal issues to give you a comprehensive grasp on the business operating environment in India.  The purpose of this webinar is to provide international legal and business context. The information in this webinar should not be considered legal advice on Indian law or otherwise. Like all non-Indian law firms, K&L Gates does not practice Indian law and we work with a network of counsel in India on Indian law issues as necessary in any given situation.

To learn more and to RSVP for log-in instructions, visit the event page here.

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