Tag:Energy Storage

Webinar: Energy Storage project development: An Overview of key policy, finance & development issues with K&L Gates
The Energizer – Volume 45
The Energizer – Volume 44
K&L Gates’ Energy Storage Handbook
Join Us for LSI’s Energy Storage Conference on June 13 & 14 In Seattle, WA
K&L Gates’ Energy Storage Handbook
RENEWABLE ENERGY: Leveraging the Opportunity Zones Tax Incentive to Improve Returns on Renewables, Storage Plus, and Standalone Storage
K&L Gates Blockchain Energizer – Volume 38

Webinar: Energy Storage project development: An Overview of key policy, finance & development issues with K&L Gates

Join Energy Toolbase and K&L Gates for a webinar on Wednesday, June 19, 2019 at 2:00pm EDT.

Webinar topics will include:

1) Key BTM energy storage policy issues (update on the current ITC legislation for energy storage, federal tax & depreciation, utility revenue streams/aggregation, FERC 841)

2) Development issues affecting BTM energy storage projects (EPC agreements, interconnection, insurance, common development hurdles)

3) Financing & monetizing energy storage projects (capacity service agreements, operating leases, PPA’s, shared savings, project financing risks)

4) How to configure & model different storage incentives in Energy Toolbase

5) How to configure & model different storage financing transactions in Energy Toolbase

K&L Gates attorneys Buck Endemann, Elizabeth Crouse, and Jim Wrathall will be participating in this webinar, along with with Energy Toolbase COO, Adam Gerza.

To register, please click here.

The Energizer – Volume 45

A biweekly update on blockchain technology applications, distributed energy resources, and other innovative technologies in the energy sector.

By: Buck B. Endemann, Benjamin L. Tejblum, Daniel S. Cohen, Toks A. Arowojolu, Olivia B. Mora, Abraham F. Johns

There is a lot of buzz around blockchain technology, distributed energy resources (“DERs”), microgrids, and other technological innovations in the energy industry. As these innovations develop, energy markets will undergo substantial changes to which consumer and industry participants alike will need to adapt and leverage. Every other week, K&L Gates’ The Energizer will highlight emerging issues or stories relating to the use of blockchain technology, DERs, and other innovations driving the energy industry forward. To subscribe to the Energizer, please click here.


  • CAISO Adds Flow Battery Technology to Grid.
  • ENGIE North America Acquires DER Startup Genbright, LLC.
  • FERC Denies Requests to Rehear Order 841.
  • NY Public Service Commission Continues Enhancing Distributed Energy Resources Mechanisms.
  • ABB and Evolvere Initiate Blockchain Pilot Program for Energy Sector.

To view more information on these topics in Volume 45 of The Energizer, click here.

The Energizer – Volume 44

A biweekly update on blockchain technology applications, distributed energy resources, and other innovative technologies in the energy sector.

By: Buck B. EndemannBenjamin L. TejblumDaniel S. CohenToks A. ArowojoluOlivia B. MoraAbraham F. Johns

There is a lot of buzz around blockchain technology, distributed energy resources (“DERs”), microgrids, and other technological innovations in the energy industry. As these innovations develop, energy markets will undergo substantial changes to which consumer and industry participants alike will need to adapt and leverage. Every other week, K&L Gates’ The Energizer will highlight emerging issues or stories relating to the use of blockchain technology, DERs, and other innovations driving the energy industry forward.

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By Mary Burke Baker

SFC ranking member Wyden and 25 other Democrats (including minority leader Schumer) introduced tech-neutral energy legislation this week.  The bill includes energy storage provisions.  Following is a summary followed by summaries pertaining to energy storage. The legislation would consolidate 44 energy incentives into three tech-neutral provisions to promote energy independence and a low-carbon economy.  All of the original co-sponsors are Democrats.  The roll out of the legislation was accompanied by supporting statements from about a dozen supporting organizations.

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K&L Gates’ Energy Storage Handbook

Version 4.0 Now Available!

As a courtesy to our clients and friends, the K&L Gates Power practice has updated the Energy Storage Handbook.

This Energy Storage Handbook (Handbook) is designed to be a basic primer on what energy storage is, how it is regulated by federal and state governments, and what sorts of issues are encountered when such projects are financed and developed. While this Handbook is not meant to be a definitive catalog of every energy storage law and issue existing in today’s marketplace, we have endeavored to highlight the most common regulatory and development issues faced by our clients and the industries that we serve. We anticipate continuing to update this Handbook as additional states and stakeholders continue to address the implementation of energy storage resources in the marketplace.

We hope you find it useful and welcome your feedback.

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K&L Gates is proud to sponsor the Energy Storage Association’s 29th Annual Conference and Expo

K&L Gates welcomes you to join us at #ESACon19. We are excited to be the News Desk Sponsor at this year’s conference. The conference will be held on April 16-18, 2019 at the Phoenix Convention Center in Phoenix, AZ.


  • Stop by Booth 526 to meet the team and pick up a copy of the newly released Fourth Edition of our very popular K&L Gates Energy Storage Handbook.
  • Join us at the ESA News Desk where we will be conducting interviews with executives from several companies.
  • Portland Partner Bill Holmes will be a panelist during, “Advanced Contracting in Energy Storage (ACES) Workshop,” where he will present on energy storage project development. The workshop will be held Tuesday, April 16 from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. in North 124.
  • Bill will also give a Master Level with Kris Zadlo, Senior Vice President of Invenergy, entitled “Ins and Outs of Energy Storage Agreements,” which will discuss features and pitfalls of long-term energy storage agreements. It will be held on Wednesday, April 17 from 11:30 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. in North 122.

We look forward to seeing you in Phoenix!

Join Us for LSI’s Energy Storage Conference on June 13 & 14 In Seattle, WA

K&L Gates is pleased to participate in Law Seminars International’s upcoming Energy Storage Conference.  K&L Gates’ Portland partner, Bill Holmes, will act as event Co-Chair and Washington DC partner William Keyser will present on “Federal level: FERC Order 841 implementation and other developments in Congress, at the FERC, and at the DOE.”

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K&L Gates’ Energy Storage Handbook

Version 3.0 Now Available!

As a courtesy to our clients and friends, the K&L Gates Power Practice has updated the popular resource for you – the Energy Storage Handbook.

Designed as a basic primer on what energy storage is, how it is regulated and what sorts of issues are encountered when such projects are financed and developed, the Handbook is intended to highlight the most common regulatory and developmental issues faced by our clients and the industries we serve.

New in Version 3.0

To view Version 3.0 of the Energy Storage Handbook, please click here.

RENEWABLE ENERGY: Leveraging the Opportunity Zones Tax Incentive to Improve Returns on Renewables, Storage Plus, and Standalone Storage

By Elizabeth C. Crouse and Mary Burke Baker                     

Federal and state tax credits for renewable energy facilities are winding down, but a new federal tax incentive enacted in tax reform may provide a boost to many new installations, repowering projects, and storage facilities. The Qualified Opportunity Zones (“QOZ”) incentive provides attractive tax benefits for investors with capital gains that, unlike other federal incentive programs such as the New Markets Tax Credit and Historic Rehabilitation Tax Credit, can be combined with the Investment Tax Credit (“ITC”) and Production Tax Credit (“PTC”) for facilities located in geographic areas that are designated as QOZ. Further, QOZ benefits will remain in place for a significant period after the ITC and PTC have become less valuable or expired. Recently released regulations provide significant clarity and highlight how valuable the QOZ incentive can be for qualified investments. See our October 23 alert for a discussion of how the regulations make the QOZ incentive even more interesting.

To view the full alert on K&L Gates HUB, click here.

K&L Gates Blockchain Energizer – Volume 38

By Buck B. Endemann, Benjamin L. Tejblum, and Daniel S. Cohen

There is a lot of buzz around blockchain technology and its potential to revolutionize a wide range of industries from finance and health care to real estate and supply chain management. Many institutions and companies are forming partnerships to explore how blockchain ledgers and smart contracts can be deployed to manage and share data, create transactional efficiencies, and reduce costs.

While virtual currencies and blockchain technology in the financial services industry have been the subject of significant debate and discussion, blockchain applications that could transform the energy industry have received comparatively less attention. Every other week, the K&L Gates’ Blockchain Energizer will highlight emerging issues or stories relating to the use of blockchain technology in the energy space. To subscribe to the Blockchain Energizer newsletter, please click here.


  • KEPCO Announces Exploration of Blockchain-Based Solar Trading Platform.
  • SP Group Using Blockchain to Power REC Trading Platform in Singapore.
  • Energy Web Foundation Unveils an Electric Vehicle Charging Toolkit for EW Origin.

To view more information on theses topics in Volume 38 of the Blockchain Energizer, click here.

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