
The Energizer – Volume 94
Please Join Us: Connecting the Dots: U.S. and International Issues and Regulatory Developments on Connected Cars/Autonomous Vehicles
Cyber-physical Attacks on Critical Infrastructure: What’s Keeping Your Insurer Awake at Night?
Women in Power: Networking, Exploring and Fueling the Energy Economy

The Energizer – Volume 94

By: Buck B. EndemannDaniel S. CohenMolly K. BarkerNatalie J. ReidMatthew P. ClarkNathan C. HoweMaeve C. TibbettsOretha A. Manu

There is a lot of buzz around clean technology, distributed energy resources (DERs), microgrids, and other technological innovations in renewable energy and clean transport industries, and how these developments can contribute to solving longstanding environmental justice issues. As these innovations develop, energy markets will undergo substantial changes to which consumers and industry participants alike will need to adapt and leverage. Every other week, K&L Gates’ The Energizer will highlight emerging issues or stories relating to the use of DERs, energy storage, emerging technologies, hydrogen, and other innovations driving the energy industry forward.


  • Apex Clean Energy and Plug Power Enter PPA to Power Largest Wind-Supplied Green Hydrogen Plant in the Nation
  • Cybersecurity Legislation Advances to Senate
  • First in Nation’s Local Natural Gas Ban is Upheld in Federal Court
  • Midwestern Coal Plants Continue to Close Under Market Pressures

Please Join Us: Connecting the Dots: U.S. and International Issues and Regulatory Developments on Connected Cars/Autonomous Vehicles

An Access Partnership and K&L Gates Symposium

We invite you to join us in the K&L Gates Washington, D.C. office on Wednesday, December 6 for an in-person (only) breakfast symposium focused on the rapidly changing global regulatory landscape surrounding connected cars/autonomous vehicles.

Our experienced panelists are government and industry officials who will discuss upcoming national and international industry and regulatory developments regarding the autonomous vehicles industry, focusing on cybersecurity and privacy issues, and infrastructure-related concerns.

We are pleased to announce the following speakers and panelists. Please note that panels remain in formation.

9:00 a.m.
Ryan Johnson, Senior Manager, International Public Policy, Access Partnership

Keynote Speaker: Nat Beuse, Associate Administrator for Vehicle Safety Research, National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
9:05 a.m.
Nat is responsible for NHTSA’s vehicle safety research activities, which are focused on achieving the agency’s mission of reducing fatalities and injuries caused by motor vehicle crashes.

Keynote Speaker: Andrea Glorioso, Counsellor for the Digital Economy, Delegation of the European Union to the United States.
9:30 a.m.
Andrea acts as the liaison between the European Union and United States on policy, regulation, and research activities related to the Internet and information and communication technologies. He worked for eight years at the European Commission in Brussels on cybersecurity, personal data protection, cloud computing, and Internet governance. He was part of the teams that produced a number of key strategies of the European Commission, including the Action Plan on the Internet of Things and the Cloud Computing Strategy.

Panel Discussion: Infrastructure*
10:00 a.m.
Moderator: Stephen A. Martinko, Government Affairs Counselor, K&L Gates

David S. Kim, Vice President, Government Affairs, Hyundai Motor Company

Greg Rogers, Policy Analyst & Assistant Editor, Eno Transportation Weekly (ETW), Eno Center for Transportation

Jim Tymon, Chief Operating Officer/Director of Policy and Management, American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials (AASHTO)

Panel Discussion: Cybersecurity & Privacy*
11:00 a.m.
Moderator, Bruce J. Heiman, Partner, K&L Gates

Robert E. Muhs, Vice President, Government Affairs, Corporate Compliance & Business Ethics, Avis Budget Group

Kiyoshi Nakazawa, Representative, Information Technology Promotion Agency (IPA) New York Director, Information Technology Department, Japan External Trade Organization (JETRO) New York Special Advisor to the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI), Government of Japan

Al Sisto, Executive Chairman, Device Authority

*Panel in formation.
For more information, please visit our event page.

To RSVP, please click here.

Cyber-physical Attacks on Critical Infrastructure: What’s Keeping Your Insurer Awake at Night?

By James E. Scheuermann

Cyber-physical attacks on critical infrastructure that have the potential to damage those physical assets and to cause widespread losses to third parties are keeping your insurer awake at night.  A cyber-physical attack on critical infrastructure occurs when a hacker gains access to a computer system that operates equipment in a manufacturing plant, oil pipeline, a refinery, an electric generating plant, or the like and is able to control the operations of that equipment to damage those assets or other property.  A major cyber-physical attack on critical infrastructure is a risk not only for the owners and operators of those assets, but also for their suppliers, customers, businesses and persons in the vicinity of the attacked asset, and any person or entity that may be adversely affected by it (e.g., hospital patients and shareholders).

Because damages caused by a cyber-physical attack can be widespread, massive, and highly correlated, affecting multiple sectors of the economy and many lines of insurance, the insurance industry is giving this risk heightened attention.  The U.K. insurance marketplace Lloyd’s, London and the University of Cambridge, for example, conducted a major study of the losses resulting from a hypothetical cyber-physical attack on 50 electrical generators in the Northeast U.S. Other insurance market participants have also published reports addressing cyber-physical risks to critical infrastructure.  The insurance industry’s focus on cyber-physical risks perhaps should be action-guiding for corporate policyholders as well.

To read the full alert on K&L Gates HUB, click here.

Women in Power: Networking, Exploring and Fueling the Energy Economy

We invite you to join the women of K&L Gates LLP and other women in the energy industry on Thursday, September 29th for a day of engaging discussion on hot topic issues. The tentative agenda can be found below.

We also invite the women attending this program to join us in the evening for K&L Gates LLP’s annual networking reception celebrating women in business and law. This year’s event will feature several leading female chefs and mixologists in the D.C. area who will showcase their culinary work ranging from savory dishes to delectable pastries and cocktails. The chefs will be available for discussions regarding their work as well as their businesses’ challenges and successes. The event also features a live painting exhibition by D.C.-based artist Maggie O’Neill, co-founder of SwatchRoom. The painting will be raffled off at the event, with all proceeds going to a local charity.

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