Global Power Law & Policy

Legal and Policy Developments Affecting the Global Power Industry.


The Energizer – Volume 79
Hydrogen Rising: Japan’s Road Map for a Hydrogen Economy
Takeaways for Liquid Hydrogen From the Global Liquefied Natural Gas Trade
Hydrogen Rising: Very Long Duration Storage
Hydrogen Rising: Singapore’s Potential Role in a Regional and Global Hydrogen Economy
Blending Hydrogen Into U.S. Natural Gas Pipelines: Three Issues to Resolve
Hydrogen Rising: Episodes 1 & 2
K&L Gates’ Energy Storage Handbook: Volume 6
The Energizer – Volume 78
The Energizer – Volume 77

The Energizer – Volume 79

By: Buck B. Endemann, Daniel S. Cohen, Molly K. Barker, Olivia B. Mora, Abraham F. Johns, Natalie J. Reid, Matthew P. Clark

A biweekly update on clean technology applications, distributed energy resources, and other innovative technologies in the renewable energy and clean transport sector.

There is a lot of buzz around cleantech, distributed energy resources (“DERs”), microgrids, and other technological innovations in the renewable energy and clean transport industries. As these innovations develop, energy markets will undergo substantial changes to which consumer and industry participants alike will need to adapt and leverage. Every other week, K&L Gates’ The Energizer will highlight emerging issues or stories relating to the use of DERs, energy storage, emerging technologies, hydrogen, and other innovations driving the energy and clean transportation industries forward.


  • California Utilities to Launch Hydrogen Blending Demonstration Project
  • Tacoma Public Utility Board Passes Resolution to Employ “Electrofuel Service” Initiative
  • Form Energy Receives Additional $76 Million in Funding for Long-Term Aqueous Air Battery
  • City of Boston Announces a Zero Emission Vehicle Roadmap

Takeaways for Liquid Hydrogen From the Global Liquefied Natural Gas Trade

By: Steven C. Sparling, Lian Yok Tan, Clive Cachia, and Joshua Spry.

Members of our Hydrogen team examine some lessons from the liquefied natural gas industry (LNG) for the budding liquefied hydrogen (LH2) industry, in terms of contract terms and requirements for bulk transport.

Hydrogen Rising: Very Long Duration Storage

Bill Holmes, Mike O’Neill, and David Wochner discuss very long duration storage and impacts on hydrogen and broader energy markets, as well as U.S. regulatory structures impacting hydrogen storage.

You can also listen to and download the latest episodes of Hydrogen Rising on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

Hydrogen Rising: Singapore’s Potential Role in a Regional and Global Hydrogen Economy

Lian Yok Tan and Sandra Safro discuss the development of and support for hydrogen projects in Singapore, whether Singapore may serve as a hub in the hydrogen economy, and how hydrogen pricing may evolve as compared to other global energy commodities.

You can also listen to and download the latest episodes of Hydrogen Rising on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

Blending Hydrogen Into U.S. Natural Gas Pipelines: Three Issues to Resolve

By: David Wochner, Sandra Safro, Jennifer Bruneau Abbey, and Michael O’Neill

Members of our global Hydrogen team discuss three issues that need resolving around blending hydrogen gas into the natural gas stream, which could allow the U.S. energy industry to leverage existing natural gas pipelines and increase renewable energy output.

Hydrogen Rising: Episodes 1 & 2

In our Hydrogen Rising podcast, our global hydrogen team of lawyers and policy professionals discuss significant issues and interesting developments impacting the hydrogen market.

Episode 1: A Sustainable Energy Source on the Brink of Commercial Scale Development

Sandra Safro and David Wochner kick-off Hydrogen Rising with a discussion about how hydrogen is on the brink of commercial scale development, highlighting governmental incentives and potential challenges facing the industry.

Episode 2: EU and UK Hydrogen Strategies and Incentives

Giovanni Campi, Francis Iyayi, and David Wochner discuss present and future hydrogen incentives offered within the European Union and the United Kingdom.

You can also listen to and download the latest episodes of Hydrogen Rising on Apple Podcasts and Google Podcasts.

K&L Gates’ Energy Storage Handbook: Volume 6

Now Available Online!

As a courtesy to our clients and friends, the K&L Gates Power practice has updated the Energy Storage Handbook.

This Energy Storage Handbook is designed to be a basic primer on what energy storage is, how federal and state governments regulate it, and what sorts of issues are encountered when such projects are financed and developed. While this Handbook is not meant to be a definitive catalog of every energy storage law and issue existing in today’s marketplace, we have endeavored to highlight the most common development and regulatory matters our clients face and the industries we serve. We will continue to update this Handbook periodically as additional states and stakeholders continue to address the implementation of energy storage resources in the marketplace.

We hope you find it useful and welcome your feedback.

New in Volume 6:

  • Completely refreshed FERC and ISO/RTO sections, including FERC Order 2222.
  • Hydrogen storage? It’s getting close.
  • Avoiding disputes in battery supply agreements.
  • New states, including Virginia and South Carolina.
  • The latest with PJM’s capacity rules.

To view the full Handbook, please follow the link below:

The Energizer – Volume 78

By: Buck B. Endemann, Daniel S. Cohen, Molly K. Barker, Olivia B. Mora, Abraham F. Johns, Natalie J. Reid, Matthew P. Clark

A biweekly update on clean technology applications, distributed energy resources, and other innovative technologies in the renewable energy and clean transport sector.

There is a lot of buzz around cleantech, distributed energy resources (“DERs”), microgrids, and other technological innovations in the renewable energy and clean transport industries. As these innovations develop, energy markets will undergo substantial changes to which consumer and industry participants alike will need to adapt and leverage. Every other week, K&L Gates’ The Energizer will highlight emerging issues or stories relating to the use of DERs, energy storage, emerging technologies, hydrogen, and other innovations driving the energy and clean transportation industries forward.


  • Arizona Outlines Plan for Carbon-free Power by 2050
  • FERC Issues NPR to Update QF Definition of Cogeneration Facilities
  • Transparent Solar Cells May Create New Venues for Solar Generation
  • Biological Batteries Could Take the Spotlight from Solar and Wind

The Energizer – Volume 77

By: Buck B. Endemann, Daniel S. Cohen, Molly K. Barker, Olivia B. Mora, Abraham F. Johns, Natalie J. Reid, Matthew P. Clark

A biweekly update on clean technology applications, distributed energy resources, and other innovative technologies in the renewable energy and clean transport sector.

There is a lot of buzz around cleantech, distributed energy resources (“DERs”), microgrids, and other technological innovations in the renewable energy and clean transport industries. As these innovations develop, energy markets will undergo substantial changes to which consumer and industry participants alike will need to adapt and leverage. Every other week, K&L Gates’ The Energizer will highlight emerging issues or stories relating to the use of DERs, energy storage, emerging technologies, hydrogen, and other innovations driving the energy and clean transportation industries forward.


  • Facebook and Carnegie Mellon Partner to Use AI for Storage Solutions
  • EPA Proposes Draft Rule Limiting Coal Plant Emissions
  • American Corporate Renewable Procurements Jump by 45% in 2020
  • Californian Community Choice Aggregators Lead the Way on Long-Duration Storage

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