Catagory:Corporate Renewables

Loose Lips Sink Ships: Public Statements and the Contractual Rights to Renewable Energy Credits in Solar Power Purchase Agreements
Teresa Hill To Speak at AWEA WINDPOWER 2017
Event: Infocast’s Corporate Renewables 2016, K&L Gates Platinum Sponsor


January 9-11, 2019

K&L Gates is proud to sponsor the 2019 Infocast Renewable Energy Buyers’ Summit (REBA). REBA is an invitation-only event where renewable energy buyers gather to discuss renewable energy procurement best practices with their fellow corporate buyers, as well as get valuable insights from leading renewable energy experts.

Teresa Hill will be moderating a panel on Latest Trends in PPA Terms and Structuring, and Bill Holmes will be moderating two panels, Assessing the Potential of Green Tariffs as a Renewable Sourcing Option, where attendees will assess the potential of green tariffs to provide a viable sourcing solution for renewable buyers, and Distributed Energy Solutions to Meet Corporate Goals, which will focus on on-site solar and energy storage.

Please let us know if you will be in attendance!

Loose Lips Sink Ships: Public Statements and the Contractual Rights to Renewable Energy Credits in Solar Power Purchase Agreements

By William H. Holmes and Kristen A. Berry

This post is one of a series of “practice tip” articles about renewable energy power purchase agreements.

There is a well-known Chinese proverb: “All problems derive from your big mouth.” These are words of wisdom for parties who are negotiating renewable energy PPAs.

In due diligence, we regularly come across on-site solar power purchase agreements (PPAs) that state that the seller is reserving all environmental attributes and selling only the project’s electricity to the buyer. This type of reservation is common in states like Maryland and Massachusetts, where environmental attributes may have a fairly high market value and may be monetized by the seller to make the project more marketable by effectively reducing the delivered price of electricity.  However, despite this environmental attribute reservation, these PPAs too often go on to say, quite expressly, that the buyer has the right to announce that it is using “solar energy” or “renewable energy” produced by the project.  This seemingly innocuous provision, intended to enable the buyer to brag about its renewable energy purchase, can create problems in PPAs where the seller also reserves environmental attributes.

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Teresa Hill To Speak at AWEA WINDPOWER 2017

Teresa Hill, Partner in K&L Gates’ Portland office, will be speaking at the AWEA WINDPOWER 2017 post-conference seminar The Evolving World of Corporate Wind Investment in Anaheim, California, on Thursday, May 25th at 1:30 p.m. PST at the Anaheim Convention Center. Teresa will speak on the panel Sealing the C&I Deal: Innovations, Challenges, and Opportunities in conjunction with Ted Romaine, Director of Origination, Invenergy LLC and Vanessa Miler-Fels, Energy Strategy & Research – Renewable Energy Strategist, Microsoft.  Teresa will focus on how to structure renewable agreements that satisfy both the non-utility buyer’s renewable goals and other organizational needs, and provide the developer a financeable revenue stream to support the renewable project.  

Event: Infocast’s Corporate Renewables 2016, K&L Gates Platinum Sponsor

We invite you to join us for Infocast’s Corporate Renewables 2016 program on September26-28, 2016 in Washington, D.C. Portland partners Teresa A. Hill and William H. Holmes will be co-sponsors, along with faculty from Renewable Choice Energy, of a one-day, interactive Corporate Renewables 101 workshop on Monday, September 26.  Topics discussed will include developing a procurement strategy, offsite renewable energy options, and executing on your renewable energy strategy.  The workshop will help corporations, universities, non-profits and other non-utility purchasers of renewable energy build a strong foundation in renewable energy procurement.

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