Archive:December 2020

The Sun Also Rises: Congress Votes to Stimulate the Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Carbon Capture, and Storage Industries
The Energizer – Volume 80
Hydrogen Rising: Incentives and Tax Issues Impacting the Australian Hydrogen Sector
The Energizer – Volume 79
Hydrogen Rising: Japan’s Road Map for a Hydrogen Economy
Takeaways for Liquid Hydrogen From the Global Liquefied Natural Gas Trade

The Sun Also Rises: Congress Votes to Stimulate the Renewable Energy, Efficiency, Carbon Capture, and Storage Industries

By: Elizabeth C. CrouseMary Burke BakerLaurie B. PurpuroElias B. Hinckley, and David P. Hattery

On 21 December 2020, the shortest day of the year in North America, the U.S. Congress passed a historic stimulus package. Among its more than 5000 pages, the bill includes important, if not quite historic, clean energy-related provisions ranging from new and extended tax incentives to government programs for research and development. Assuming the legislation becomes law, a new day for U.S. carbon capture, offshore wind, and many more renewable energy technologies may dawn.

The Energizer – Volume 80

A biweekly update on clean technology applications, distributed energy resources, and other innovative technologies in the renewable energy and clean transport sector.

There is a lot of buzz around clean technology, distributed energy resources (DERs), microgrids, and other technological innovations in renewable energy and clean transport industries. As these innovations develop, energy markets will undergo substantial changes to which consumers and industry participants alike will need to adapt and leverage. Every other week, K&L Gates’ The Energizer will highlight emerging issues or stories relating to the use of DERs, energy storage, emerging technologies, hydrogen, and other innovations driving the energy industry forward.


  • FERC Rolls Back ISO New England Tariff Incentivizing New Generation and Storage Projects
  • Coalition of Labor and Climate Groups Voice Support for the “American Nuclear Infrastructure Act”
  • Sidewalks out of Turbine Blades: Sustainability of Renewables’ Afterlife

The Energizer – Volume 79

By: Buck B. Endemann, Daniel S. Cohen, Molly K. Barker, Olivia B. Mora, Abraham F. Johns, Natalie J. Reid, Matthew P. Clark

A biweekly update on clean technology applications, distributed energy resources, and other innovative technologies in the renewable energy and clean transport sector.

There is a lot of buzz around cleantech, distributed energy resources (“DERs”), microgrids, and other technological innovations in the renewable energy and clean transport industries. As these innovations develop, energy markets will undergo substantial changes to which consumer and industry participants alike will need to adapt and leverage. Every other week, K&L Gates’ The Energizer will highlight emerging issues or stories relating to the use of DERs, energy storage, emerging technologies, hydrogen, and other innovations driving the energy and clean transportation industries forward.


  • California Utilities to Launch Hydrogen Blending Demonstration Project
  • Tacoma Public Utility Board Passes Resolution to Employ “Electrofuel Service” Initiative
  • Form Energy Receives Additional $76 Million in Funding for Long-Term Aqueous Air Battery
  • City of Boston Announces a Zero Emission Vehicle Roadmap

Takeaways for Liquid Hydrogen From the Global Liquefied Natural Gas Trade

By: Steven C. Sparling, Lian Yok Tan, Clive Cachia, and Joshua Spry.

Members of our Hydrogen team examine some lessons from the liquefied natural gas industry (LNG) for the budding liquefied hydrogen (LH2) industry, in terms of contract terms and requirements for bulk transport.

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