Join Us for LSI’s Energy Storage Conference on June 13 & 14 In Seattle, WA

K&L Gates is pleased to participate in Law Seminars International’s upcoming Energy Storage Conference.  K&L Gates’ Portland partner, Bill Holmes, will act as event Co-Chair and Washington DC partner William Keyser will present on “Federal level: FERC Order 841 implementation and other developments in Congress, at the FERC, and at the DOE.”

About the Conference

As solar and wind displace fossil-fueled baseload plants in the Pacific Northwest generating mix, we face an increased need to accommodate the ups and downs in their output. In 2017, we saw a tipping point in the viability of battery storage technologies for smoothing power supplies on the grid. We now have the prospect of our first pumped hydro project coming on line in Montana, and other projects in the works.

In the second annual energy storage conference, we’ll explore how federal and state regulatory policy is adapting to, and encouraging, storage as a viable path towards carbon reduction in our region. We still have the challenge of integrating storage into grid operations. You’ll hear from experts on both integration under FERC Order 841 in the CAISO California market and in the less organized market in the Pacific Northwest.

The region also has a need for longer term time shifts between generation and consumption and a need to facilitate a transition to carbon-free vehicles. You’ll hear about promising new developments for using renewables to produce hydrogen, and also in fuel cell technologies for both generation backup and transportation.

There are a whole host of business and regulatory issues to address and resolve. These include integration with utility procurement cycles and cost recovery for regulated utilities. On the business side, you’ll have an opportunity to get up-to-date on the latest transactional approaches and trends.

For more information and to register, click here.

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