Integrating Renewables and Storage: Key Issues

American Bar Association – Section on Environment, Energy, and Resources Telephonic Program Call

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As the importance of renewable energy in the power generation mix grows, there are an increasing number of contexts in which its deployment in conjunction with storage will enhance the number and character of services, the potential number of active parties, and the possibilities for enhancement of distributed energy applications. Major issues related to the exercise of federal and state jurisdiction under existing and proposed laws have arisen, which will be of increasing importance as the capabilities of storage technology management and the possibilities for its integration with renewable energy resources continues to accelerate. This program will highlight three key areas currently illustrative of this point: federal and state initiatives to encourage energy storage; RTO implementation of FERC order no. 841: energy storage development issues; the challenges and opportunities for utilities presented by energy storage integration.

Roger Feldman, Co-Chair, SEER Renewable, Alternative, and Distributed Energy Resources Committee
Aaron Levine, Co-Chair, SEER Renewable, Alternative, and Distributed Energy Resources Committee

Judy Chang, Principal, The Brattle Group
Joy Ditto, President and CEO, Utilities Technology Council (UTC)
Bill Holmes, Partner, K&L Gates

Sponsoring SEER Committees: the Renewable, Alternative, and Distributed Energy Resources Committee, the Energy Infrastructure, Siting, and Reliability Committee, the Energy Markets and Finance Committee, and the Science and Technology Committee

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Registrants may include members of co-sponsoring Section Committees, other Section members, and others who are not currently Section members. Upon registration, you will receive more detailed information about the location and dial-in information.
This program will not offer CLE.

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