Archive:March 4, 2014

K&L Gates Policy Insight: Will Wyden Recharge the Batteries on the Finance Committee’s Energy Tax Reform Proposal?

K&L Gates Policy Insight: Will Wyden Recharge the Batteries on the Finance Committee’s Energy Tax Reform Proposal?


In late 2013, the Senate Finance Committee released a tax reform staff discussion draft on energy (the “energy draft”) as part of a series of tax reform proposals. According to Committee staff, the energy draft “proposes a dramatically simpler set of long-term energy tax incentives that are technology-neutral and promote cleaner energy that is made in the United States.” Although the departure of former Chairman Max Baucus (D-MT) from the U.S. Senate has thrown the fate of energy tax reform into doubt, there is ample reason to believe that his energy draft has hydrogen left in the fuel cell. This alert describes the energy draft and offers insights on the possible next steps for the proposal.To read the full alert, click here.  Additional Resources: With so many different pieces to tax reform, it is easy to lose track of various proposals and materials. To access the most relevant tax reform information from the House Ways and Means Committee, Senate Finance Committee, the Administration, and others, please visit our Tax Reform Resources page.

February 25, 2014

Mary Burke Baker
Government Affairs Advisor +1.202.778.9223
Cindy L. O’Malley
Government Affairs Counselor
Nicholas A. Leibham
Karishma Shah Page
Ryan J. Severson
Andrés Gil
David A. Walker
Government Affairs Specialist

For more information, please contact our Public Policy and Law professionals, or visit our practice page on the Web.

This Policy Insight is presented as part of the Global Government Solutions® initiative.


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